The Croyle Lab

The laboratories of Maria A. Croyle RPh., PhD.
The University of Texas at Austin's College of Pharmacy

Dr Maria A. Croyle RPh., PhD is a Professor of Pharmaceutics at The University of Texas at Austin College of Pharmacy where she has lead a busy research lab in pursuit of a single-dose, long-lasting Adenovirus-based Ebola vaccine, as well as studies in drug metabolism, novel vaccine formulations and other viral vectors.
Her students have come from all over the world to be challenged by the plethora of skill sets represented in such an innovative research environment.

 Dr. David Curiel, Director of the UAB Gene Therapy Center (left) and Dr. Maria Croyle.

December 11, 2008 Dr. Croyle speaks at the UAB Gene Therapy Center
Dr. Croyle spent the day meeting with director Dr. David Curiel and other faculty, post-docs and graduate students actively working on clinical trials for genetic and vaccine-based therapies. The day ended with her seminar entitled, "Pharmacology, Toxicology and Delivery Issues Associated with Recombinant Adenovirus-based Vaccines". The presentation was co-sponsored by the UAB Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology. Watch UT campaign video featuring Dr. Croyle

May 1, 2008     Croyle Receives Over $2.6 From National and International Granting Agencies to Develop a Vaccine Against Ebola

Piyanuch Wonganan

April 17, 2008     Wonganan Receives Award for Outstanding Research Achievement at College of Pharmacy Celebration of Research Excellence Day.

Piyanuch Wonganan, a third year graduate student in Pharmaceutics, received recognition for her work titled "Pharmacology and Toxicology of PEGylated Helper-Dependent Adenovirus in Non-Human Primates". She presented a 15 minute presentation of the work and received a certificate stating the honor. Piyauch was also recognized for this work at the national scientific meeting of the American Society of Gene Therapy.

Evening banquet reception for participants in the biotechnology conference.
On the left (back to front): Hyo-Kyung Han (Chosun University), Maria Croyle (University of Texas at Austin), Svetlana Ermankova (Pacific Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry FEB RAS, Vladivostok, Russia), Masahiro Murakami (Osaka Ohtani University, Japan). On the right (back to front): Tetsuya Ozeki (Tokyo University of Pharmacy and Life Sciences, Japan), Xiliang Zha (Fudan University, China), Hoo-Kyun Choi (Chosun University, Korea), Cheol-Hee Choi (Chosun University), Woon-Keun Oh (Chosun University), Hye-Gwang Jeong (Chosun University)

Updated:  August 10, 2023 by SCS