On November 1, 2015, The National Geographic Channel premiered a 6 episode series called “NatGeo Breakthrough” that was produced and narrated by Ron Howard and Brian Grazer.
The episode called "Pandemics" featured Dr Croyle's research on an Ebola vaccine with quite a bit of footage of some of the lab’s students working on actual projects.
Unfortunately, the original show appears to have been pulled from the internet and replaced with a ‘new and improved’ show linked below.
In 2020, National Geographic pulled down the original “Breakthough: Pandemics” and released a new show called “Breakthrough: Virus Hunters” that focused on the newly discovered COVID virus, yet still utilized about half of the original footage from Dr Croyle’s lab filmed for the “Pandemics” episode.
The new “National Geographic Breakthrough: Virus Hunters” episode can been seen HERE.