Dr Croyle speaks at Tulane University in Louisiana
Dr Croyle presents a seminar at Tulane University and meets with faculty from the Divisions of Microbiology, Immunology, and Veterinary Medicine to discuss possible research collaborations using our latest film-based vaccine technology.
Dr. Maria A. Croyle holding a sheet of edible film capable of storing 100's of vaccine doses at room temperature for over a year.
Kristina presents poster at AAPS 2016 in Denver
Kristina presented a poster summarizing her latest research at the 2016 Annual Meeting of the American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists in Denver, Colorado.
Her poster title was, "Effect of Integrin Receptors on Nuclear Receptors Regulating CYP3A under Infectious and Non-Infectious Conditions"
Kristina discusses Merck Future Talent Summer Internship
Click here to see what Kristina had to say about her time as a Merck Future Talent summer 2016 intern.
Mark and Jason accept their PharmD degrees!
Mark Meyers and Jason Xu walk across the stage and accept their PharmD degrees. Congratulations to both men for their jobs well done!
Kristina awarded Teaching Assistant Award
Out of over 200 TA positions appointed during the past year, Kristina was one of the few awarded the annual Teaching Assistant (TA) Award from the Biology Instructional Office.
Croyle Lab Presents Posters at 12th Annual CoP Research Day
Kristina and Irnela each presented posters explaining their research at the 12th Annual Louis C. Littlefield Celebrating Pharmacy Research Excellence Day.
Dr Croyle travels to The University of Helsinki, Finland as Invited Speaker
Dr Croyle was initived to speak at The University of Helsinki, ImmunoViroTherapy Lab, Center for Drug Research (CDR) and Division of Pharmaceutical Biosciences.
Her talk title: "Development of a Single Dose, Needle-Free Ebola Vaccine: How Pharmaceutical Science Can Solve Globally Challenging Problems."
Dr Croyle also served as an Opponent for the Public Defense of the Doctoral Thesis of Mari Hirvinen. Thesis title: ”Immunological boosting and personalization of oncolytic virotherapies for cancer treatment”. Ph.D. Advisor: Vincenzo Cerullo
Croyle Lab Members complete 2016 Austin Marathon and Half Marathon
Dr Croyle continues to inspire others to "go the extra mile" as two her students run the Austin Marathon and the Austin Half Marathon.
Congratulations to Lilian Tran for completing her second Full marathon! That's 26.2 miles of mostly uphill running on a warm day.
Lilian running the 2016 Austin Marathon
Our graduate student, Kristina Jonsson-Schmunk continues to impress us as she completes her first Half Marathon (pictured here with her husband).
Kristina and her husband showing off their Finisher's medals at the 2016 Austin Marathon.
Kristina Awarded University Graduate Continuing Fellowship
Congratulations to Kristina for being selected as a recipient of a University Graduate Continuing Fellowship for 2016-2017 based on major personal accomplishments since entering Graduate School.
Croyle Lab Publishes another Paper!
Title: "Integrin Receptors Play a Key Role in the Regulation of Hepatic Cytochrome P450 3A"
Journal: Drug Metabolism and Disposition
Manuscript ID: 10.1124/dmd.115.068874
Author(s): Kristina Jonsson-Schmunk, Piyanuch Wonganan, Jin Huk Choi, Shellie M Callahan, and Maria A Croyle
** NOTE: Figures from this manuscript were selected for use as cover art for the May 2016 issue of the journal.