The Croyle Lab

The laboratories of Maria A. Croyle RPh., PhD.
The University of Texas at Austin's College of Pharmacy

Dr Maria A. Croyle RPh., PhD is a Professor of Pharmaceutics at The University of Texas at Austin College of Pharmacy where she has lead a busy research lab in pursuit of a single-dose, long-lasting Adenovirus-based Ebola vaccine, as well as studies in drug metabolism, novel vaccine formulations and other viral vectors.
Her students have come from all over the world to be challenged by the plethora of skill sets represented in such an innovative research environment.

The Croyle Lab is always on the lookout for hard-working, highly-motivated, innovative people to join our team.

National Geographic compiled some interviews of prominent researchers, including Dr Croyle’s, discussing attitudes for success in research.
Click on the “Attitudes & Success” banner to see the videos.

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Updated:  August 10, 2023 by SCS